Mentoring program Creative Career – applications are ongoing!

The national platform Serbia creates has launched a free mentoring program “Creative career” intended for all high school graduates in Serbia who are interested in professional development in one of the fields of creative industries – film, music, theater, gaming, animation, photography.
The mentoring program will be held from February 1st to March 31st, 2024, while applications for the program last until December 31 at the link. During the program, six top professionals from the field of creative industries will provide support and guidance to the graduates, and all sessions will be held online.
The mentoring program is implemented in cooperation with the Faculty of Dramatic Arts in Belgrade, the “Photographer’s Factory”, the companies “Bassivity group” and “Prosound Conference Systems”, as well as the gaming company “Shosha games”.
The program comes as a response to the growing need of the growing sector of creative industries for highly educated staff and missing profiles. It is the youngest and fastest growing sector in Serbia, with a contribution to GDP of about 6 percent, which employs as many as 45 percent of highly educated young people between the ages of 20 and 45. In the last five years, the number of employees in the sector has increased by as much as 37 percent, while the total export of Serbia’s creative industries has increased by an incredible 80 percent.
Platform Serbia creates, as part of the Cabinet of the President of the Government of the Republic of Serbia, continuously and systematically supports the development of the creative sector in Serbia, paying particular attention to the formation of highly educated personnel through all levels of formal education.
In this context, the platform, in cooperation with the Ministry of Education, has already established specialized departments for students with special aptitudes for performing arts and audiovisual arts in, so far, nine gymnasiums throughout Serbia. Also, a special study program Visual Effects, Animation and Game Art was established at the Faculty of Dramatic Arts, which will educate students to create in the field of animation, visual effects, video games and interactive media. At the same time, the Master 4.0 postgraduate program was created, which connects the world of technology and the world of art, and which was created through the close cooperation of the state universities in Belgrade and Kragujevac and more than ten private companies.